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IDevice Interface

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Uniform interface to all device objects.

Namespace:  RavingBots.MultiInput
Assembly:  RavingBots.MultiInput (in RavingBots.MultiInput.dll) Version: 0.12
public interface IDevice

The IDevice type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanVibrate
true if device supports vibration.
Public propertyId
A session-unique ID of this device.
Public propertyInternalName
Value containing internal name/ID of the device reported by the OS.
Public propertyIsUsable
true if device is usable. The exact meaning of this is device-specific, but unusable devices should not be considered when checking for input.
Public propertyItem
Returns a virtual axis object or null if the axis is not supported by this device.
Public propertyLocation
Value describing the bus location of the device.
Public propertyName
Friendly name of this device.
Public propertyProductId
Product ID reported by the device/driver.
Public propertyRevision
Revision/version reported by the device/driver.
Public propertySerial
Serial number reported by the device/driver.
Public propertySupportedAxes
Enumerable of all axes this device supports.
Public propertyVendorId
Vendor ID reported by the device/driver.
Public methodReset
Resets the state of all axes on this device.
Public methodVibrate
Makes this device vibrate for specified amount of time.
This interface is one of the two core abstractions in Multi-Input (the other one being IVirtualAxis). Most of your interaction with this library will be through device objects and this interface.
Note Note
We plan to make comprehensive API for extending the library with your own devices, but all of the internal machinery is still in flux and might change as we expand the device and platform support.
Thread Safety
Static members of this type are not safe for multi-threaded operations. Instance members of this type are not safe for multi-threaded operations.
See Also