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IDeviceLocation Property

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Value describing the bus location of the device.

Namespace:  RavingBots.MultiInput
Assembly:  RavingBots.MultiInput (in RavingBots.MultiInput.dll) Version: 0.12
string Location { get; }

Property Value

Type: String

Might be empty, but will never be null.

Can be used to try to determine (on best-effort basis) whether device that just reconnected is the same one the player has been using.

However, it's NOT guaranteed to be useful, unique or persistent. It highly depends on the OS, the driver and the device. It's very likely that you will have multiple devices sharing the same Location value. Make sure your code can handle that.

Don't try to parse or display this value. The only meaningful thing you can do with it is to compare it with a Location property of another device.

Important note Important
This value can only be used if IsUsable is true.
See Also